This is six year old Adam from Ghana!
We are so excited to begin sponsoring him through World Vision!
This is something that’s been on my heart to do for a long time and I’m thrilled for us to have a way to help someone and have the children involved.
What we’ve done is divide up the sponsorship fund by the number of people old enough to commit to seeing it through. So, James and I, Violet, Gretchen, and Duel will each have to contribute $7.40 a month to cover our share. The children will accomplish this by doing extra chores for money. So the benefit is twofold, while they’re doing things that help us as a family they’ll also be spending time and energy to improve the life of this little boy!
I so want the children to understand that life elsewhere is NOT like life here. I want them to gain some sort of understanding of just how priviledged they are. Using this venue will allow them to develop a relationship (through letters and sending packages) and feel a sense of responsibility towards improving some one’s life in a tangible way. We hope that it will start the seed of a servants heart and encourage them in caring for others.
Let all that you do be done in love.
(1 Corinthians 16:14 ESV)