This abundent life courtesy of our Lord and Savior ~ Jesus Christ

Apr 022017


Friday afternoon, on my way home from my parents, pulling a trailer loaded with box springs and mattresses, fire vehicles whizzed by. About a half mile from where I turn off the main road to enter my neighborhood, I saw the fire vehicles parked on the right-hand side of the road (The same side I live on). I slowed down, looked right, and saw a raging brush fire.

As I enter my neighborhood, one of my neighbors driving the opposite direction waved me down to tell me that there was an out of control brush fire and it was coming our way. This same scenario happened 5 years earlier just after we moved to the area.

We watched the billowing smoke from our backyard as helicopters flew overhead retrieving water from a nearby lake to help put out the fire. Here is a video of the air tanker that dropped water and fire retardant.

We were not sure whether we should evacuate or not. Friends of ours who live much closer to the fire were already told they should evacuate for the fire was about 100 yards from their house.

I decided to drive back to the scene to get an update. I was told the fire was spreading quickly thanks to the high winds. The winds were so bad that I had to stop four times on the way home to adjust the box springs and mattresses on my trailer even though they were wrapped in a large tarp and strapped down with bungee cords. I was informed that we would be notified directly by the fire department if we needed to evacuate. Chey decided to load up the Durango with the essentials, and we waited it out. We heard from no one and called it a night.


I woke up around 3:00 AM to discover that we lost power. I feared that the fire reached the main power grids way out back behind our land, and that we would be without power for days.

I got up around 7:00 AM to a smoke filled yard. Around 8:00 AM, the smoke was gone. Later that morning for hours, helicopters flew overhead to assist putting out the fire. One helicopter passed so low it shook the whole house.

Around 10:00 AM, I decided to drive to town to get water, coffee, and gas. As I was about to enter the main road, four Electric Company vehicles entered my road. I waved the first vehicle down and asked the gentleman the status of the situation. He told me that they just received clearance that they could enter the area and replace the one metal power pole that was taken out by the fire and replace the wires to restore power to about 5,000 of us in the area. He told me it would be anywhere from 4 to 8 hours.

I am guessing the poles look something like this:

Thankfully, the power was restored in 4 hours.

The vehicle that would drop the new pole had a tank drive-train. I was told it was needed because the power grid was situated in a very muddy area.

That evening, the smoke settled around us again, thicker than earlier that morning. Even with the A/C running, the house smelled of smoke, although you couldn’t see the smoke. To be safe, I decided to shut off the A/C and close the vents on our floors. We called it a night.


I woke up around 7:00 AM and noticed that some smoke had entered the house as you can see from my flashlight.

The smoke outside was thicker than the previous morning.

I went to the Forestry website and it indicated that the fire was now out.

As soon as the putrid smell of smoke dissipates outdoors, we will air out the house and crank up the A/C later on if the heat becomes intolerable. We may have to deal with smoky conditions for the next few days, but the worse is over and we thank God that our homes were spared.

According to the newspaper, “…about 600 acres had burned. Firefighters went to 50 or so homes in the area asking residents to voluntarily evacuate. About half those families did leave. There were 21 medium to heavy dozers on the fire and they were planning to add more resources.”

There was no mention as to how the fire started, but it is rumored that someone was burning brush on their property. The dry conditions and heavy winds assisted in turning into what could have potentially been a major disaster.

 Posted by at 11:53 am
Nov 152013

Less then an hour old!


James  Robert Moore, Jr.

aka: Jim Bob Junior


8lbs even!

10 days late!

This little boy was giving me some serious stress!
At ten days late we were getting awful close to having to have a hospital birth.
Fortunately he came through for me and we were able to have him at home.

For someone who had given me such a hard time
(time wise and with nearly a month of terrible braxons and contractions)

he was born blissfully fast.  

So fast in fact,  that Donna the midwife had only been here for about ten minutes.
Her and James were scrambling around getting things in order….
…..and I was trying unsuccessfully to get myself situated
when he made his appearance.

The other midwives missed the event entirely!

Anyhow, he’s a perfectly wonderful baby boy who has
a huge smile ….
a strong grip ….
and an incredible talent for creating a wash load.






Oct 082013

James Robert Moore, Jr.


As in the baby who refuses to be born.

Two weeks of false starts.

Two weeks of starting to time contractions.

And NOTHING. Nada.

It was slightly amusing/slightly annoying at first.

Now it’s just nerve wracking.

I’ve always maintained that girls are easier then boys….

This is just further proof.

Between the ‘wouldn’t wish it on my enemy” agony of  Thaddeus’s posterior birth

….as in ‘sunny side up’….

(I don’t understand the science behind why facing up or down makes any sort of difference-


and now our tardy child.

Ok, so he’s only two days past due date, but I normally go two days or so early.  And I normally am not teased for two weeks.  And he’s been super low and ready to go.

At 40 weeks we’re now measuring 37.

That’s pretty low.






 Posted by at 4:49 pm
Oct 082013



When a couple is having a new baby,

oftentimes the husband will give his wife

flowers….      or candy…. or even jewelry … 

Mine got me a …..


And I couldn’t be happier!

It’s not just ANY garbage can… it’s toddler proof!

As in Prairie and Thaddeus proof.

Well, and now Meadow because she’s into EVERYTHING.

While it can be pushed around, it can’t be knocked over…. at least not easily.

And it’s sturdy, so no more easily broken latches.

For the past year we have resorted to using shopping bags for the garbage.


Until you do without something as commonplace as a garage can for sooooo long

 it’s so easy to take it for granted.


Thank You James  xoxo