This abundent life courtesy of our Lord and Savior ~ Jesus Christ

Oct 312014

When we started the school year I was using k12reader for everyones spelling words. A few weeks ago I switched the older kids to  BigIq , because the words in k12 just weren’t relevant enough.  While I like K12, there were too many words thrown in that wouldn’t help them with their everyday writing. Plus, I wanted to combine spelling and vocabulary words.


Now I’m switching Daphne also because the first grade words are just too easy.  The goal is to  start challenging her with words that she already TRIES to write, but I wanted to be able to still give her sheets that first grade “feel”. Found a great generator on :



This way I can choose the mixture of hard and easy words but still give it the elementary look. The only down side is that you can only fit 10 words on a sheet.

 Posted by at 6:43 pm