James Robert Moore, Jr.
aka: Jim Bob Junior
8lbs even!
10 days late!
This little boy was giving me some serious stress!
At ten days late we were getting awful close to having to have a hospital birth.
Fortunately he came through for me and we were able to have him at home.
For someone who had given me such a hard time
(time wise and with nearly a month of terrible braxons and contractions)
he was born blissfully fast.
So fast in fact, that Donna the midwife had only been here for about ten minutes.
Her and James were scrambling around getting things in order….
…..and I was trying unsuccessfully to get myself situated
when he made his appearance.
The other midwives missed the event entirely!
Anyhow, he’s a perfectly wonderful baby boy who has
a huge smile ….
a strong grip ….
and an incredible talent for creating a wash load.