Gretchen’s first cooking video. She did such a wonderful job!
I love it when the children take it upon themselves to help out 🙂
Daphne refers to herself as my “Good Helper”
Direct quote from Daphne
(with a dramatic wiping of her brow )
“Whew, I like hard work!”
While I did go back and touch up her work,
she actually did a really good job finishing up the dishes!
Ok, so it really doesn’t get any easier then this. Using royal icing as glue made these houses REALLY easy to put together and very stable.
Pookie and Gretchen put a LOT of effort into making their houses really nice and interesting.
Duels turned into an epic story that involved the house being covered in licorice ropes.
Daphne did FAR better then I expected … although she kept hogging the candy.
And Prairie… well Prarie didn’t quite get the point of what she was supposed to be making.
She did however get the point of eating… and eat she did!
The finished pieces!
We’re expecting some packages within the next week and Gretchen and Duel are so excited!
Why are they excited? Is it toys? Candy? Anything for them at all?
No. They want the boxes!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE how much fun the kids get out of things that aren’t toys!
It tickles me to no end that they, Gretchen especially, is eagerly anticipating the arrival of boxes of all things!
(She’s hoping that there’s at least one BIG one!)